Survivorship is one of those words you will either love or hate. But it relates to the activities and mindset when people decide to live well and thrive, during and beyond their cancer diagnosis/treatment.
Many resources listed on other resources pages will overlap categories – survivorship, physical health, mental health etc – so be sure to check them all out.
The programs and services listed below will have their own definition and conditions of when you can access them, so be sure to check. As ever, check with your medical team before starting any new physical program.
- Australian Cancer Survivorship Centre (Peter Mac)
- Recapture Life: an online facilitated program run by UNSW and Canteen, for people up to 25yo.
- Reclaim Life: similar to the Recapture Life, tailored to adults 25-40yo, run by Cancer Council.
- Cancer Aid app
- Wellbeing after cancer: Cancer Council WA